not in my name

--> documenting the death, detention, deportation and dehumanisation of migrants and refugees
--> resisting Fortress Britain, Fortress Europe, Fortress World

Monday, August 08, 2005

Netherlands: 39th Day of Refugees' Hunger Strike

from Expatica:
The hunger strike by five Iranian men who have been denied asylum in the Netherlands has reached its 39th day.

Two of the men have written a letter threatening to take legal action if the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) does not respond positively by noon on Tuesday to their demand to have access to the files of their cases.
A doctor with the GGD health centre, assigned to monitor the group, says they are "more determined than ever to continue with their action". They are in a very bad way. "Some can only move around in a wheelchair. They can barely stand or walk," the doctor said.

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