not in my name

--> documenting the death, detention, deportation and dehumanisation of migrants and refugees
--> resisting Fortress Britain, Fortress Europe, Fortress World

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Taiwan: Foreign migrant workers protest

from The Taipei Times:

Foreign workers gathered at the Executive Yuan yesterday to protest a six-year limit on how long they can be employed in Taiwan
"This restriction is rather puzzling to us, as it is unheard of in other places. Hong Kong and Singapore have set quotas for incoming migrant workers, but never an employment time-limit restriction," said Ku Yu-Ling (ÅU¥É¬Â), secretary-general of the Taiwan International Migrants' Association.

As Dec. 18 is International Migrants Day, a group called Promoting Alien for Household Services Act yesterday gathered over 30 foreign workers, including blue and white-collar professions, to fight for three rights: working rights, immigration rights and the right of political participation.

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